The storm came to life as electricity lanced like scars across the cloud’s bloated underbellies. Strobes flashed through the lobby’s high windows and burned light onto the walls. Shadows dispersed into the vaulted ceiling until all that remained was a dark figure coiled around the chandelier’s branches, watching them sleep.
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REVIEWS of Highland Cove
"Highland Cove has everything I want from a ghost story. It is incredibly atmospheric, compelling, scary and with a shocking twist at the end!"
Lecari's LiveJournal.
"This book is fantastic ... full of nightmare inducing awesomeness!"
Jessica Belmont
"This is one of the biggest mindf*ckery books I’ve read in a long time."
ITY Reads Books
Lecari's LiveJournal.
"This book is fantastic ... full of nightmare inducing awesomeness!"
Jessica Belmont
"This is one of the biggest mindf*ckery books I’ve read in a long time."
ITY Reads Books